Wednesday, 22 September 2010

My made up character

This is my first design for a character using 3D max and I think that it is ok  however I had a couple of problems when making it. For example when making the axe I had to use a box and wanted to make it look like the metal part was in the middle which I eventually did.
However there is also good points to the character I wanted to make it point at the person playing so it looks like it's body language is saying your next and I have made it look like it look like he is holding the axe which also supports what I was trying to make the character look like which was evil.

Here is a step by step guide to how I made the character:

I made this character by first making a geosphere to make the body and then scaling it to the appropriate size. Then I made a cone and moved it to the right position then pressed shift to copy the cone and moved it to the over side and then mirrored it so it could go on the over side.

I then changed from standard primitives to extended primitives and I choose a capsule  to make one of the arms and again I pressed shift and copied the arm then put it in to place.

After that I had to put the eyes and the mouth on I switched back to standard primitives and made a pyramid and rotated it to the right position and scaled it to the right size then pressed shift and mirrored the copy and rotated it to the right position then copied that and scaled the copy to make it longer for the mouth.

Then I put a box in the arm and then made another box that was flat and placed it on top of the other box I just placed.
This is a example from a professional designer the designer had more time that me to design a character and has had more experience with the program than me and he has probably used the shade tool to make the colour of the skin and the light and shadow effect on the character. I had to use standard and extended primitives to make my charter when the designer for this character could use more complex design techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a great character Joe. Your blog is well laid out and you've made a good start to evidencing your coursework using this powerful tool. Consider adding a step by step guide of how you do things as techniques become more complex. Also, you could compare your work to professional examples. Keep up the good work Joe
