Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Unit 78 icon designs

These are the icon designs for Horror, War, Fantasy and  Sci-fi.

Horror is comprised of a mutated monster which I focused more on gore a delusion for punishment I focused more on physiological fear and a phycopath with a machete which I focused on shock.

War is comprised of a nuclear explosion,  two logos to show a stalemate and  two guns firing in both directions.

The fantasy genre  is comprised of a shield
& a sword, a person which is half angelic and have half devilish and the last one is a giant scorpion and a warrior casting a fire spell to kill it.

The Sci-fi genre has a space ships one being a UFO
& a Medic ship & and ship floating in space.

when I scanned in the icons I put them in to photoshop and covered the lines in a black paintbrush and coloured in the particular places and deleted the sketches I then put the finished images to the icon backgrounds. I made sure that I scanned the images to make sure the pen would come up more clearly than if I photograph it.

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